Monday, 14 December 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 45a

maybe fixed victory, maybe  broke it completely
fixed burning attack permanently applying slow
1 agi gives 0.25 -> 0.35 movespeed
geti only gets powerups from zfighter deaths
Bebi is now forced into third form at level 110

Saturday, 12 December 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 45

Geti: Star has additional 1.5% damage block per upgrade
Geti: Star blocks 100 -> 120 damage per upgrade
Geti: Star gets 5000 -> 5500 hp per upgrade
Gohan: removed kame mastery (wasn't working anyway)
Geti: added resource transporter building at Buu spawn it starts with 15000 hp
Super 13: SSBomb movespeed (450 + 50 * lvl) -> 450
Korin restocks senzu beans every 90 -> 30 seconds
Korin can only hold 3 -> 1 senzu bean(s)
Removed 5 ghouls and 2 red troll things from hell
Turtle area: removed most deep water, opened it up,added a ramp, and added a turtle

Map is being hosted by the bot SPN01

Download Link

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 44a

Destructo disk: Damage 50% -> 35%
Destructo disk: Cooldown 24 -> 28
Burning attack: 250 bonus movespeed -> 100 bonus movespeed
Burning attack: no slow -> 175 movespeed slow on affected targets
Base movespeed: 200 -> 250, movespeed formula fix
Cell regen (item): Cooldown 60 -> 80
Got rid of the aweful destructo disk tooltip colors (i know its in all tt's)
Yamcha: Stats given 0.65 -> 0.85
Start location is now based on player slot (was unit chosen)
Moved geti's start location to the goldmine
Bebi summon: Cooldown 50/45/40 -> 50
Bebi summon: Stat gain 15%/18%/22% ->15%/17%/20%
Respawn time: 3.0 -> 5.5 (vision glitch)
Burning attack: stack coefficient 0.85 -> 0.70
Burning Attack: Cooldown rescaled from 21/19/17/15/13/13/11 to 21/20/19/18/17/15/13
Dragonballs fixed, now spawn after 1 minute
Goku no longer receives ticket on spawn
Whoever spawns in heaven receives a ticket on each hero
maybe fixed destructo disc

Download Link

Bot hosting map: SPN01

Thursday, 23 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 43

fixed permadeath bug
goz/mez start at level 5->10
annin starts at level 8->13
goz/mez/annin receive no stat changes from the level increase

beams and spheres give vision around the target point of the spell, or wherever the sphere blows up for 10 seconds

sphere cast ranges 2000->2500, the way they were setup meant the cast range was always shorter than the fall time, and even with 2500 some may still have longer fall time than cast range

fixed buu angry explosion and added an indicator of where he will spawn

kid buu angry explosion now has special effects, including an indicator for where buu will spawn.

buu now absorbs galactic donut from gotenks over the ghosts, to fix hotkey mismatch

fixed some more hs bugs

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Saturday, 18 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 42b

new geti mults - level : mult
20 : 1.25
27 : 1.5
35 : 1.75
42 : 2.0
55 : 2.25
70 : 2.5
85 : 2.75
100 : 3.0
120 : 3.25
140 : 3.5

geti revive time when z fighter not near base 3->5

if geti dies anywhere on the peninsula leading to his star he gets the delayed respawn time (15 seconds) (used to get delayed spawn only if he died within 1000 range of star)

scan powers 15->25 second cd, and fixed its tooltip

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DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 42a

added supreme kai to lookout
fixed respawning characters (geti/androids etc.) in duel (hopefully)
finish buster segment radius 260->350, it is basically wider, but not longer

disabled bebi enter body on targets in a duel

gotenk/trunks hs updated with fusion information
bebi hs updated with body release info
sense help added
sense changed to <sense #> instead of <sense name>
player numbers added to multiboard
known bug: sense will currently show non-senseable enemies, dunno if this is good or bad atm.

piccolo and gohan hs re-fixed to have the ping messages

tooltips standardized for all/most abilities, some mana cost changes, some accuracy changes, mana costs should now be present in all tooltips

burning attack now has 6->7 levels, level 7 costs 7500 mana but gives  stun immunity and slows attacked targets by 75 movespeed

gallet gun segment radius 210->230

final flash segment radius 300-> 340

special beam cannon range 1200->1400

dragon fist damage mult 5-> 5.5
dragon fist cooldown 30 -> 31/30/29/28/27
dragon fist mana cost 400/600/900/1300/1800 -> 750/1250/2000/3000/5000
dragon fist cast range 250->300

kamikaze ghosts spawn 300->400 units away from gotenkz

hellzone grenade mana cost 450/650/900/1200/1500/1800/2100 -> 750/1250/2000/3000/4500/7000

hellzone grenade cast range 950->1050

destructo disc deals 50% -> 35% current life
destructo disc mana cost 250/500/750/1000/1250/1500 -> 300/600/900/1500/2250/3000

geti salvage resources gives 250 gold/250 wood -> 600 gold
geti salvage resources cooldown 60->45
geti re-engineer heals 10% -> 17% max hp, gives 4->10 all stats

fixed a distance bug with android energy ball
fixed android energy ball having 9 second extra cooldown at max 2 levels

fixed cast ranges with almost all heroes
bebi gains 3->4 stats with his memory thing skill
krillin scatter bullet mana cost 150/210/300/420/600/900/1300 -> 150/210/300/450/650/1000/1500

big bang cooldown 30 -> 28

Download Link

Sunday, 12 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 41

-Fixed Piccolo's slappy hand
-Changed map preview picture (no more popo eyes)

Download Link

Remaining things needed:
-Unally system
-Cell's Lockon/Sense
-Nuke vision granted/Destroy tree's
-Goku/Vegeta fusion
-New Chars (after all of this is implemented)

What you can expect in the next ver:
-change sense <name> to sense <number> , and show player numbers on the multiboard

-make nukes destroy trees

-add a 15k mana cost burning attack with stun immunity on it and true strike

-change broly energy punch tooltip to say that units kocked back will knock back other units in their way

-final battle wish around 40 minutes

-android 17 ideas for character

  energy absorber, adds % of damage absorbed over duration to allies in aoe for x seconds

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 40

-cell junior duration 50 -> 35
-cell junior cooldown 110 -> 150
-cell junior stats given per kill 70% -> 75%
-cell juniors have 25% -> 35% of cells stats
-cell junior mana cost 200/400/600/900 -> 500/1000/1500/2000
-Quick movement removed from cell's first and second forms
-cell android 17 & 18 absorb threshold 25% max hp -> 35% max hp
-androids 17 & 18 now have blink activated, they blink once every 60-90 seconds.
-dragonballs added
-scouter assembler now sells dragon radars
-capsule corp added, sells dragon radars and drops one upon death
-fixed cell juniors spawning 1 too many
-cell juniors now spawn with the same hero level as cell
-added ultra perf cell (lockon has to be added still)

Download Link

Were getting close to adding everything missing so you can expect the cool stuff soon.

Friday, 10 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 36

-fixed bebi model
-fixed lockon out of duels
-fixed machine ram
-fixed ss deadly hammer
-hbtc should kick out saga units when it dies
-bebi summon cooldown 15/14/13 -> 50/45/40
-bebi summon kill stats 18%/20%/22% -> 40%/45%/50%
-bebi summon duration: 120->90
-puipui no longer hero unit, but babidi still gets 200xp for summoning him
-puipui has 100% stat gain from unit kills to babidi
-puipui damage 21-30 -> 40
-yakon stat gain 50% -> 100%
-dabura stat gain 100% ->110%
-buu MKD: (2* int) + 50 per 0.5 seconds -> (6 * int) + 400 every 0.5 seconds
-bebi starting model fixed
-hell's flash tooltip fixed
-broly unthaw stat gain 40 -> 15
-added explosion effect on gotenkz ghosts
-gotenkz ghost explosion radius 300->400

Download Link

Things in mind for upcoming versions:
-might nerf agi soon
-so i guess the stuff on the forecast
-probably develop a system for dragonballs/android teleports so shit doesn't go into unpathable spots
-then maybe ultra perfect cell
-add a new character unless i made more bugs than i fixed

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 35

-Buffed geti tower stat gain 40% -> 45%

None of the following were tested:
-Fixed "hs"
-Fixed slappy handing people out of duels
-Fixed ticketing our of duels
-Dueling an ally will now unally them for the duel
-If you were dead before the duel you will kill yourself if you win
-Units outside a duel can't damage units in a duel, but units in a duel should be able to damage units outside a duel.

Download Link

Bot hosting map as usual SPN01

Clan SPN

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Developement Part 2

I'm going to be busy for this week so the next ver will be released sometime next week, aside from that since the HS has to be reimplemented I'm going to repost the transformations so everyone can remember.

Goku - lvl 10 (kao) lvl 30 (ss) lvl 85 (ss2) lvl 125 (ss3) lvl 150 (ss4)
Vegeta- lvl 30 (ss) lvl 50 (uss) lvl 85 (ss2) lvl 150 (ss4)
Gohan - lvl 30 (ss) lvl 75 (ss2) lvl 125 (go to corner by hbtc and type mss)

Goten/trunks - lvl 25 (ss) lvl 75(gotenks type fh) lvl 140 (ss3)
future trunks - lvl 20 (ss) lvl 50 (uss) lvl 70 (uss2)
Piccolo - lvl 30 (go where nail is) lvl 60 (kami in lookout) lvl 90 full power
Krillin - lvl 20 / lvl 30 / lvl 60 / lvl 90 / lvl 125

Android 13,14,15 - lvl 25 / lvl 45 fuse into 13 (type a14, a15) lvl 135 ultra 13
Babidi - lvl 60 buu, lvl 90 super buu absorb z fighter for kid buu
bebi - lvl 30 / lvl 90 then take over bulma and ray gun to turn oozaru bebi
broly - lvl 15 , lvl 30 (ss) lvl 75 (uss) lvl 125 (lss) lvl 150 (luss)
cell - lvl 20 , lvl 30 (follow pings on map and absorb androids)
geti - make clones die to z's for upgrade (lvl 12,18,27,37,48,61,75,91,125,150)

Monday, 30 March 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 34

-Added a tooltip for ft's burning attack
-Fixed duel message
-Added a 10 second cooldown for lockon
-Fixed Android 16's jump skill
-Added a defeat warning message when all players are dead
-Teammates can duel each other now however nukes won't work due to unally not being implemented yet

Note: Because the SS system broke last version the HS has to be implemented again.

Bot name is SPN01

Download Link

Sunday, 29 March 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 33

-Fixed duel so it now works properly
-Fixed the SS system
-Bebi could potentially still be messed up, not sure (enter body)

Things still needed to be implemented:
-DBall Radar
-Unally system
-w3mmd (wins/losses system)
-New char will come eventually (patience)

Bot hosting map is still SPN01

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 21

-buffed pikkon stat gain 9->13
-buffed olibu stat gain 6->8
-olibu starts with 100->125 stats,
-pikkon 200->250
-yamcha 1 -> .65
-gregory .7 -> ,5
-omega shenron fix
-duel function added (ex. -duel colour)

Download Link

Note: this version is bugged so 1.20 is the most current stable version

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 20

-Added Shenron saga
-Fixed Lockon
-Added a ping for nails/kami for piccolo
-Added a ping for mss for gohan
-Fixed garlic portal
-Fixed Shenron dragon spawns

Find a game by typing /whois SPN01 or go to

Download Link

Coming Soon: 
-A new char (secret)
-w3mmd (wins/losses system)
+ more

Monday, 23 March 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 19

Lockon fixed, can lockon to dead people if dead, can lockon to alive people if alive
 -summon hero stats
  0.20 ->0.30/0.30->0.35/0.40->0.40
 -summon stats given per kill
 -summon attack cooldown 1.77->1.60
 -level skip 30->26
-Piccolo's multiplier reduced back to 3.0
-Sagas buffed
-Super 13's fusion buffed

Bot hosting map is SPN01

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Good news,

The map will be continued on from where it left off for those still interested, you can expect a bot up and running soon name will be SPN01. Don't hesitate to report bugs or suggest changes and what not.

Clan SPN 

Saturday, 3 January 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 17

-Yakon and Pui Pui now give babidi 400 and 200 experience respectively when summoned
-Added some debuggery stuff to bebi's body exit thing to try and find the problem
-Solar flare now disarms instead of giving miss chance which has the affect of de-aggroing neutral hostiles
-Geti can no longer make the x10 clones
-Geti clone stat formula is: 30 + (geti level) + (geti stats/10) the stats are permanent upon creation of the clone, the clone recieves no stat update after creation
-Fountains now vulnerable

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