Saturday 3 January 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 17

-Yakon and Pui Pui now give babidi 400 and 200 experience respectively when summoned
-Added some debuggery stuff to bebi's body exit thing to try and find the problem
-Solar flare now disarms instead of giving miss chance which has the affect of de-aggroing neutral hostiles
-Geti can no longer make the x10 clones
-Geti clone stat formula is: 30 + (geti level) + (geti stats/10) the stats are permanent upon creation of the clone, the clone recieves no stat update after creation
-Fountains now vulnerable

Download Link


  1. I am not even sure if you are still making this map, and I really wouldn't like you to give up and I know it's pretty farfetched at this point in time to create new characters however I do have an idea for one that I pitched back in 2.2 ver 88. I do not know however if the map could even handle it.
    I have a new hero idea. So new hero could be like cross between Tao and Turles sorta (of course from 2.2). Put Friezas ship on Namek or somewhere since there isn’t one yet, and have Zarbon, Dodoria, or ginyu spawn there. They have to complete certain tasks issued by the ship (frieza). Find Dragon Balls, Kill a Saga, Or a hero, or certain amounts of creeps. Possibly could accept from a array of choices by the ship, and list reward

    I haven’t any ideas for ginyu maybe if he was to be picked instead of zarbon he must do 4 missions then Friezas like you guys suck cause you cant do shit right, and then he kills them all you control frieza

    Zarbon (should have an ability to teleport back to ship) 1X

    Elegant blaster INT*LVL*2

    Fighting style

    Mission 2 transformed 1.5X

    Elegant blaster INT*LVL*2

    Fighting style

    Monster Crush STR*LVL*1.5 ( when zarbon grabs guy and does a pile driver)

    Mission 4 Frieza unlocked 2X

    Death beam INT*LVL*2

    Fighting style

    Punishing rush STR*LVL*2

    Frieza 2nd form lvl 70 2.5X

    Death Beam INT*LVL*2

    Hail Frieza/STAB! A quick poke from frieza’s horn rendering a small stun STR*LVL*1

    Fighting style

    Punishing Rush STR*LVL*2

    Frieza 3rd form 115 3X

    Death beam INT*LVL*2

    Crazy finger beam (17’s Hellstorm) (everywhere u left click a blast goes) u can't move while doing this (but u can deactivate it by right clicking) Or can be like Fat Buu, Bebi, or Gotenks’ respective Shine Shine Missle variants

    Fighting style

    Rush STR*LVL*2

    Frieza final 150 3.5X

    Destructo disk (1/4 instead of the op ½)

    Death beam INT*LVL*2

    Fighting style

    Death ball/supernova INT*LVL*1.5

    Frieza's anger (a bloodlust like attack that increases his stats by 300 for 30 seconds after loses 1/2 hp. Alternatively make him lose health until it is deactivated

    I was looking for a way to somehow add mecha Frieza but I couldn't find a way without having to level him up

    So you can do it so that he goes to friezas ship at lvl 150 and he can turn mecha not any stat change just gives different abilities and is permanent sorta like great saiyaman (he can only get it once, he dies, he gets normal body back)

    1. Not to bad of an idea, however the project is abandoned at this point due to no one supporting after several attempts. Unfortunate because this map has alot of potential. Oh well..

    2. well thats depressing
