Saturday 18 April 2015

DBZ Tribute Stripped Beta 42a

added supreme kai to lookout
fixed respawning characters (geti/androids etc.) in duel (hopefully)
finish buster segment radius 260->350, it is basically wider, but not longer

disabled bebi enter body on targets in a duel

gotenk/trunks hs updated with fusion information
bebi hs updated with body release info
sense help added
sense changed to <sense #> instead of <sense name>
player numbers added to multiboard
known bug: sense will currently show non-senseable enemies, dunno if this is good or bad atm.

piccolo and gohan hs re-fixed to have the ping messages

tooltips standardized for all/most abilities, some mana cost changes, some accuracy changes, mana costs should now be present in all tooltips

burning attack now has 6->7 levels, level 7 costs 7500 mana but gives  stun immunity and slows attacked targets by 75 movespeed

gallet gun segment radius 210->230

final flash segment radius 300-> 340

special beam cannon range 1200->1400

dragon fist damage mult 5-> 5.5
dragon fist cooldown 30 -> 31/30/29/28/27
dragon fist mana cost 400/600/900/1300/1800 -> 750/1250/2000/3000/5000
dragon fist cast range 250->300

kamikaze ghosts spawn 300->400 units away from gotenkz

hellzone grenade mana cost 450/650/900/1200/1500/1800/2100 -> 750/1250/2000/3000/4500/7000

hellzone grenade cast range 950->1050

destructo disc deals 50% -> 35% current life
destructo disc mana cost 250/500/750/1000/1250/1500 -> 300/600/900/1500/2250/3000

geti salvage resources gives 250 gold/250 wood -> 600 gold
geti salvage resources cooldown 60->45
geti re-engineer heals 10% -> 17% max hp, gives 4->10 all stats

fixed a distance bug with android energy ball
fixed android energy ball having 9 second extra cooldown at max 2 levels

fixed cast ranges with almost all heroes
bebi gains 3->4 stats with his memory thing skill
krillin scatter bullet mana cost 150/210/300/420/600/900/1300 -> 150/210/300/450/650/1000/1500

big bang cooldown 30 -> 28

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